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Summary of NCAA Rules Related to Complimentary Tickets, Unethical Conduct, Gambling, Agents and Extra Benefits 16.2 Complimentary Admissions and Ticket Benefits 16.2.1 Permissible Procedures. Institutional Events in the Student-Athlete’s Sport. An institution may provide four complimentary admissions per home or away intercollegiate athletics event to a student-athlete in the sport in which the individual participates (either practices or competes), regardless of whether the student-athlete competes in the contest. Exception—Postseason Events. An institution may provide each student-athlete who participates in or is a member of a team participating in a postseason event (e.g., conference championship, NCAA championship, National Invitation Tournament, bowl game) with six complimentary admissions to all intercollegiate athletics events at the site at which the student (or team) participates. (Adopted: 1/9/96 effective 8/1/96, Revised: 11/1/01 effective 8/1/02, 1/17/09 effective 8/1/09) Tournaments. Complimentary admissions may be provided to members of the institution’s team for all intercollegiate athletics events in a tournament in which the team is participating, rather than only for the games in which the institution’s team participates. However, the contests must be at the site at which the institution’s team participates. General Regulations. Complimentary admissions shall be provided only through a pass list for individuals designated by the student-athlete. "Hard tickets" shall not be issued. A violation of this administrative procedure shall be considered an institutional violation per Constitution 2.8.1; however, such a violation shall not affect the student-athlete’s eligibility. The student-athlete’s eligibility shall be affected by involvement in action contrary to the provisions of Bylaws and (receipt of more than the permissible four complimentary admissions or the sale or exchange of a complimentary admission for any item of value). (Revised: 1/11/94 effective 8/1/94, 1/14/08) Issuance Procedures. The individual using the complimentary admission must present identification to the person supervising the use of the pass list at the admission gate. The individual then shall be provided a ticket stub or other identification of a specified reserved seat or seating area or treated as a general-admission ticket holder. (Revised: 11/1/01 effective 8/1/02) Institution’s Home Events in Other Sports. An institution may provide admission for each student-athlete to all of the institution’s regular-season home intercollegiate athletics events in sports other than that in which the student-athlete is a participant, via a printed student-athlete pass or gate list. Proof of identity shall be required upon admission. [R] Nonqualifier. A nonqualifier (per Bylaw may receive a complimentary admission to all of the institution’s regular-season home intercollegiate athletics events in the first academic year of residence. [R] (Revised: 1/3/06) Complimentary Admissions to an Institution’s Home Contest Honoring a Student-Athlete. An institution may provide a maximum of four complimentary admissions to a student-athlete for an institution’s game or event during which a student-athlete is being honored but not participating, provided such complimentary admissions are used by the student-athlete’s family members. [R] (Adopted: 4/27/00 effective 8/1/00, Revised: 1/8/07 effective 8/1/07, 1/19/13 effective 8/1/13) 16.2.2 Nonpermissible Procedures. Sale of Complimentary Admissions. A student-athlete may not receive payment from any source for his or her complimentary admissions and may not exchange or assign them for any item of value. Payment to Third Party. Individuals designated by the student-athlete to receive complimentary admissions are not permitted to receive any type of payment for the admissions or to exchange or assign them for any item of value. Receipt of payment for complimentary admissions by such designated individuals is prohibited and considered an extra benefit. [R] Student-Athlete Ticket Purchases. An institution may not provide a special arrangement to sell a student-athlete ticket(s) to an athletics event. Tickets shall be available for purchase by student-athletes according to the same purchasing procedures used for other students. [R] Sale Above Face Value. A student-athlete may not purchase tickets for an intercollegiate athletics event from the institution and then sell the tickets at a price greater than their face value. [R] 10.1 Unethical Conduct. Unethical conduct by a prospective or enrolled student-athlete or a current or former institutional staff member, which includes any individual who performs work for the institution or the athletics department even if he or she does not receive compensation for such work, may include, but is not limited to, the following: (a) Refusal to furnish information relevant to an investigation of a possible violation of an NCAA regulation when requested to do so by the NCAA or the individual’s institution; (b) Knowing involvement in arranging for fraudulent academic credit or false transcripts for a prospective or an enrolled student-athlete; (c) Knowing involvement in offering or providing a prospective or an enrolled student-athlete an improper inducement or extra benefit or improper financial aid; (d) Knowingly furnishing or knowingly influencing others to furnish the NCAA or the individual’s institution false or misleading information concerning an individual’s involvement in or knowledge of matters relevant to a possible violation of an NCAA regulation; (e) Receipt of benefits by an institutional staff member for facilitating or arranging a meeting between a student-athlete and an agent, financial advisor or a representative of an agent or advisor (e.g., "runner"); (f) Knowing involvement in providing a banned substance or impermissible supplement to student-athletes, or knowingly providing medications to student-athletes contrary to medical licensure, commonly accepted standards of care in sports medicine practice, or state and federal law. This provision shall not apply to banned substances for which the student-athlete has received a medical exception per Bylaw; however, the substance must be provided in accordance with medical licensure, commonly accepted standards of care and state or federal law; (g) Failure to provide complete and accurate information to the NCAA, the NCAA Eligibility Center or an institution’s admissions office regarding an individual’s academic record (e.g., schools attended, completion of coursework, grades and test scores); (h) Fraudulence or misconduct in connection with entrance or placement examinations; (i) Engaging in any athletics competition under an assumed name or with intent to otherwise deceive; or (j) Failure to provide complete and accurate information to the NCAA, the NCAA Eligibility Center or the institution’s athletics department regarding an individual’s amateur status. 10.3 Sports Wagering Activities. The following individuals shall not knowingly participate in sports wagering activities or provide information to individuals involved in or associated with any type of sports wagering activities concerning intercollegiate, amateur or professional athletics competition: (a) Staff members of an institution’s athletics department; (b) Nonathletics department staff members who have responsibilities within or over the athletics department (e.g., chancellor or president, faculty athletics representative, individual to whom athletics reports); (c) Staff members of a conference office; and (d) Student-athletes. 12.3 Use of Agents. 12.3.1 General Rule. An individual shall be ineligible for participation in an intercollegiate sport if he or she ever has agreed (orally or in writing) to be represented by an agent for the purpose of marketing his or her athletics ability or reputation in that sport. Further, an agency contract not specifically limited in writing to a sport or particular sports shall be deemed applicable to all sports, and the individual shall be ineligible to participate in any sport. Representation for Future Negotiations. An individual shall be ineligible per Bylaw 12.3.1 if he or she enters into a verbal or written agreement with an agent for representation in future professional sports negotiations that are to take place after the individual has completed his or her eligibility in that sport. Benefits from Prospective Agents. An individual shall be ineligible per Bylaw 12.3.1 if he or she (or his or her relatives or friends) accepts transportation or other benefits from: (a) Any person who represents any individual in the marketing of his or her athletics ability. The receipt of such expenses constitutes compensation based on athletics skill and is an extra benefit not available to the student body in general; or (b) An agent, even if the agent has indicated that he or she has no interest in representing the student-athlete in the marketing of his or her athletics ability or reputation and does not represent individuals in the student-athlete’s sport. 16.11 Benefits, Gifts and Services 16.11.2 Nonpermissible General Rule. The student-athlete shall not receive any extra benefit. The term "extra benefit" refers to any special arrangement by an institutional employee or representative of the institution’s athletics interests to provide the student-athlete or his or her family members or friends with a benefit not expressly authorized by NCAA legislation. Other Prohibited Benefits. [A] An institutional employee or representative of the institution’s athletics interests may not provide a student-athlete with extra benefits or services, including, but not limited to: (a) A loan of money; (b) A guarantee of bond; (c) An automobile or the use of an automobile; (d) Transportation (e.g., a ride home with a coach), except as permitted in Bylaw 16.9.1, even if the student-athlete reimburses the institution or the staff member for the appropriate amount of the gas or expense; or (e) Signing or co-signing a note with an outside agency to arrange a loan